Privacy Policy

Données personnelles

Certains éléments du Site Internet peuvent nécessiter une inscription préalable de l'utilisateur. Si tel est le cas, des données à caractère personnel seront alors demandées à l'utilisateur, notamment ses noms et prénoms, adresse postale et adresse de courrier électronique. L'utilisateur est de plus informé que, lors de ses visites sur le Site Internet, un cookie peut s'installer automatiquement sur son logiciel de navigation.

The cookie is a block of data that does not allow the user to be individually identified; on the other hand, it records information relating to navigation (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) which can be read during subsequent visits. For example, cookies make it possible to simplify access to the Website by avoiding the user having to enter their identification information each time they consult the Website. The use of cookies also allows the Publisher to control traffic and improve the use of its Website. The user acknowledges having been informed of this practice and authorizes the Publisher to use it. The user can, if he wishes, deactivate these cookies by modifying his browser preferences.

In addition, the information collected may be subject to computer processing intended for data management for commercial purposes (customer relations, prospecting, order processing, etc.). This processing is currently the subject of a declaration to the CNIL under simplified standard no. 48 (deliberation no. 2005-112 of June 7, 2005).

In accordance with articles 32 and following of the Data Protection Act (law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified by law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms), each user has a right to access, modify and delete their data. The exercise of these rights is carried out with the Publisher.