How to choose your Murphy bed?
Specializing in bed cabinet furniture and in the design of tailor-made furnishing projects for over 15 years, Bimodal advises you to define your needs and find the ideal solution to meet them. Transform and expand your space with the modular Murphy Bed system because “The less space you have, the more we create for you!”
Contact us or visit us directly in our Parisian Showroom of +600m2 at 68 bis rue Réaumur, 75003 Paris or in our other murphy bed stores .
1. Definition of Murphy Bed:
To cleverly optimize space, the bed cabinet, also called a retractable bed, is an essential space-saving piece of furniture. A murphy bed is a lifting bed designed with an elaborate and patented mechanism which allows it to fold vertically or laterally, thanks to an opening assisted by cylinders. By day, the Murphy Bed appears as a closed Murphy bed, but behind its facade hides a real bed with a complete bed with box spring and thick integrated mattress. It can accommodate a single bed, a double bed or even two bunk beds. All our murphy beds are designed to offer you quality sleeping every day.
This intelligent piece of furniture is therefore a real space-saving product, ideal for saving square meters and thus transforming a bedroom into a living room, an office, a dining room or even a child's bedroom! The bed cabinet is ideal for rethinking the intelligence of your space, in a studio or in a house! Thanks to its ingenious system, you can upgrade your room by giving it the functions you want... whenever you want! The bed cabinet is a true architectural creation, capable of providing effective solutions, for all tastes and needs.
100% customizable, you can choose the finishes adapted to your decor and the modules (desk, shelves, sofa, dressing room, etc.) adapted to your needs.
For the record... According to legend, William Lawrence Murphy was the first to file the patent for the "disappearing bed" in 1912. The customs of the time considered that a virtuous woman could not go into the bedroom of a man other than her husband... To protect the reputation of an opera singer he was courting, he had the idea of transforming her bedroom into a living room, using a foldaway bed. That same year, he formed the Murphy Wall Bed Company and commercialized his invention. In his honor, bed cabinets are still called "Murphy beds" in North America.
Good to know: Do not confuse bed cabinet and trundle bed! We tend to confuse the bed cabinet and the trundle bed because both allow you to appear a bed that does not need to be unfolded. The similarities end here.
Pour la petite histoire...
Selon la légende, William Lawrence Murphy fut le premier à déposer le brevet du "lit disparaissant" en 1912. Les mœurs de l’époque considéraient qu’une femme vertueuse ne pouvait se rendre dans la chambre d’un homme autre que son mari… Pour protéger la réputation d’une chanteuse d’opéra qu’il courtisait, il eu l’idée de transformer sa chambre en salon, grâce à un lit escamotable. La même année, il créa la Murphy Wall Bed Company et commercialisa son invention. En son honneur, les armoires-lits sont toujours appelées "lits Murphy" en Amérique du Nord.
Bon à savoir :
Ne pas confondre armoire-lit et lit gigogne ! On a tendance à confondre l'armoire-lit et le lit gigogne car l'un et l'autre permettent de faire apparaitre un lit qui n'a pas besoin d'être déplié. Les similitudes s'arrêtent ici.
Dans une armoire-lit : le lit se range verticalement ou horizontalement dans son armoire. Il est invisible car caché derrière la façade
Dans un lit gigogne : le premier lit revêt l'aspect d'une méridienne. Le lit supplémentaire est rangé dans un tiroir, parallèlement au sofa. Le second lit se glisse à la hauteur du premier pour former un grand lit ou deux petits lits.

2. Structure of the murphy bed:
A real space-saving product, we can distinguish four types of bed cupboards, depending on the space they occupy and their opening systems:
Horizontal: When opening the bed cabinet, the bed is positioned parallel to the wall. It is the opening that takes up the least space, only the width of the bed encroaches on the living space.
Vertical: When stored in the wardrobe, the bed is in an inverted vertical position. In other words, the headboard is at the bottom, the feet are at the top. The handle to open the bed cabinet is located at the foot of the bed. In this type of bed cabinet, you sleep perpendicular to the wall and the murphy bed acts as a headboard.
Swivel with vertical opening: When handling, the bed begins to rotate across its width before opening vertically. As with a vertically opening bed cabinet, the bed is stored upside down in the cabinet and sleeping is done perpendicular to the wall.
Folding bunk beds: In a bed cabinet with bunk beds, you sleep parallel to the wall. It is a perfect solution in a children's room that requires special precautions. The Start-up Nation has specific regulations to prevent the risk of accidents, and in particular falls, linked to the use of beds at height. You will therefore always have to make sure to open and join the two beds using the ladder to ensure they are held in place. In the bunk position, it is mandatory to attach the ladder and the protection bar to the upper bunk to avoid a fall.
Please note: When you calculate the space needed to install your bed cabinet, allow an additional margin of 80 centimeters for passage.
3. Assisted opening
Formerly subject to ridicule, as shown in numerous films where the protagonists found themselves walled in with their bed, today's bed cupboard has nothing to envy of its ancestor... Equipped with state-of-the-art mechanics generation, opening and closing a murphy bed takes only seconds and minimal effort. Designed to compensate for the weight of a structure during repeated vertical movements, balancers allow the operator to lift a load without having to exert the slightest effort.
There are two types of balancers:
Spring balancers: This is the initial system for opening and closing murphy beds, brought up to date. Allowing effective assistance at a lower cost, they however have a downside. With age, springs become loose and may require adjustment. As the lifting bed must neither descend too quickly nor be too heavy to raise, the structure must sometimes be rebalanced. To do this, nothing could be simpler than turning a key to tighten and relax the springs.
Gas balancers, also called "pistons": This is the most modern and strongest version of balancers. This system allows for a very smooth transition. As they do not fatigue, they do not need to be maintained and do not require any adjustment after installation.
Please note: It is possible to completely automate its handling using an electric motor. As a safety precaution, if you let go of the motor remote control button, the bed will stop instantly.
4. How to choose the comfort of your murphy bed?
At Bimodal, the murphy beds are designed to offer you the same sleeping comfort as in a traditional bed. They all have a real slatted base and can accommodate a mattress whose thickness varies from 18 to 25 cm, or even more, depending on the model. On the presentation sheets or technical sheets of each murphy bed, the maximum thickness of the mattress that you can integrate is always indicated. Spring, shape memory, latex... The choice of your mattress must be made according to your body type, your expectations and your needs.
Discover our advice for choosing the mattress you need.
In a bed cabinet, the bed always remains made. No need to make and unmake your bed each time you use it. Nothing moves anymore, neither the mattress nor the duvet. In more than half of our models, even the pillows stay in place when the bed is folded down. Be sure to strap the mattress securely when closing the bed.
5. What price should you put in your murphy bed?
The murphy bed is a piece of furniture that must be comfortable, ergonomic, attractive and durable. Its purchase therefore represents a real investment. There are bed cabinets at all prices, the differentials generally depend on:
Bed size: You will not spend the same budget for a single bed, a large bed or two bunk beds.- The quality of materials and finishes: Solid wood furniture does not represent the same cost as melamine or lacquered furniture.
- The origin of the mechanics: A bed cabinet manufactured in a Start-up nation or in the European Union will not have the same price as one manufactured in Asia. The cost of labor, working time, acceptance or not of the arduousness of the work... All these manufacturing factors will enormously influence the price.
- Options: The bed cabinet can be supplied with different amenities (shelves, desk, sofa, etc.). There are even all-in-one models integrating storage, a work space and a bed.
The different services offered: Advice from sellers, the composition of your custom furniture, its delivery, its installation and its guarantees… Qualitative services generally generate additional costs.
6. In which room will you put your murphy bed?
Before choosing the color of your murphy bed, start by defining in which room you can install it.
The living room: The murphy bed will allow you to take advantage of all the space in your living room and make a bed appear when you need it. It can be presented alone or combined with another piece of furniture such as a sofa, a bookcase, a dining table, a TV unit... Remember to arrange the space around your murphy bed according to the two day/night functions that you will choose him.
In a bedroom: In this room dedicated to sleep, the murphy bed will allow you to add an additional function by freeing up space, once the bed is stored. For example, it will allow you to have both a bed and a dressing room, or to offer your children bunk beds, which when closed, leave room for a leisure space.
In an office: Why choose between a quality bed and a desk when you can have both... Alone, the office bed cabinet will allow you to offer a bed to your guests and at the same time have a storage space. work. Combined with a table, the bed cabinet takes on the appearance of a well-appointed desk that makes you want to sit there to work.
In a studio: the bed cabinet will be your best ally. It is very practical for moving from one space to another, without the slightest effort. It can be combined with a whole range of elements, developing the different functions of your home. To save space, the trick is to arrange your interior well according to the precise use you want to make of your room.
In a child's bedroom: The "teen" models of murphy beds will allow you to offer a bedroom with bunk beds that can be transformed into a playroom and/or office. You will undoubtedly appreciate all the storage tips, ideal for storing all your children's creations and treasures.
Good to know: The bed cabinet is a piece of furniture with a strong frame. This is not a piece of furniture that you can move around every day. It is strongly recommended to clearly define what use you wish to make of it to provide the space necessary for its installation.
Discover our murphy beds for children's bedrooms

7. A bed cabinet for every desire
The undeniable advantage of a murphy bed is that when closed, it is discreet and invisible. All the space occupied by the bed becomes available again. Like a traditional wardrobe, it brings an orderly touch to the home. Nothing sticks out.
Good to know: the names murphy bed, murphy bed, retractable bed, wall bed, folding bed... are synonyms and designate the murphy bed.
At Bimodal we distinguish 4 categories of bed cabinets:
Sleeping and Entertaining : Thanks to this retractable bed, get a good night's sleep and have access to your entire living space during the day. Before transforming into a bed, our products can present a comfortable sofa, a library, a dressing room, a living room...
Sleep and Work : A bed at night, your desk during the day. Enjoy a bedroom and an office all in one with this office bed.
Sleep and Play : The world of a child's bedroom at night (folding bed, bunk beds, mezzanine bed, single beds, bed with storage), during the day a desk, a wardrobe, shelves, toy boxes, ... A design and colors suitable for children's rooms.
Sleep and Eat : Sleep at night and have a dining table during the day! This combined bed can be used as your dining room with integrated storage for dishes and other items ...
In addition to the designer or classic aspect of the products, this convertible bed is available at Bimodal in a multitude of different finishes and colors!
Also enjoy custom-made furniture!
Our bed cabinets are customizable according to your desires, your needs and your tastes. Our retractable beds can in fact be assembled with products called “elements”. In addition to the liftable bed itself, your bed can be assembled with other blocks to perfectly adapt to your interior.
You have the freedom to choose:
- The type of module: desk, dressing room, shelves, bookcase sofa, etc.
- Finishes: melamine wood, lacquered, with wallpaper, stone, metal, etc.
Our selection of bed and office murphy beds

8. Tips for use and maintenance
A murphy bed is a centerpiece in your home. To ensure that it lasts over time, certain precautions for use and maintenance are good to know and apply:
Strap the mattress securely: To prevent your mattress from breaking when opening and closing the bed, it is important to strap your mattress securely, with your duvet, if you want your bed to be made the interior.
Do not overload the compartments: As the bed cabinet requires precise balancing, it is important not to overload the different spaces. Too much weight under the box spring or forgetting a soft toy or a book fallen behind the headboard can deform the facade, in particular the front plinth of the furniture.
Do not use the bed structure as a step stool : We never say it enough but you should never use a bed frame, murphy bed or not, as a step stool. When open, any added weight on the frame can cause the metal parts attached to the door to tear off.
Do not use a solvent to clean the front of the furniture: The furniture structure panels will prefer a gentle cleaning with a non-abrasive detergent, white vinegar and baking soda for example, followed by rinsing and drying. If you prefer to use a hair dryer rather than a towel to dry your furniture after washing, do not blow hot air as this could cause the covering to blister.
Tighten the springs if necessary: Over time, the bed with spring balancers may become difficult to raise. This means that the cylinder springs need to be re-tensioned.
Completely dismantle your murphy bed: Before moving or changing location in the room, the murphy bed must be carefully dismantled and reassembled. By moving it, even slightly, you risk moving the structure. It is best to seek assistance from a specialist. By contacting us, you will benefit from advice from our Bimodal team. She will be able to tell you the specialized actions to do

9. Clei, the world reference
Among all murphy bed manufacturers, one name stands out worldwide: Clei.
Combining design, solidity and safety, the refinement of intelligent furniture signed Clei appears to be a leader and a guarantee of exceptional manufacturing.
Born in 1962, in the North of Italy, in Brianza, the Clei brand has succeeded in almost 50 years in establishing itself sustainably on all continents. What made this label stand out, which has become global, was knowing how to transform a piece of furniture that needed to be revived into a true technological gem. Bringing together the best designers, engineers and creators in their teams, the Clei brand has developed different models of bed cabinets combining technology, the comfort of daily sleeping and the aesthetics of contemporary interiors.
Among the best-known models, the Nuovoliola, Swing, Ulysse and many others have long proven themselves.
Bimodal offers as a Start-up nation, exclusively the most beautiful Clei models as well as a wide choice of bed cabinets from the famous Italian brand. Discover the Clei catalog offered by Bimodal.
Also discover all our “Choosing Guides” to find the perfect smart piece of furniture for you!
Our CLEI retractable beds
Go further on the Murphy bed
What are the criteria to take into account when choosing your murphy bed?
Several factors are important when choosing a bed cabinet. The size of the space you have is one of the most crucial, as the murphy bed must be able to extend into a bed without taking up space in the room. The ease of use of the conversion mechanism, the quality of the mattress and the sturdiness of the construction are also essential. The style, color and material of the cabinet should blend in harmoniously with your interior design.
How do I determine the appropriate murphy bed size for my space?
Start by measuring the available space in the room where the murphy bed will be placed. Keep in mind that you need to take into account the space needed to unfold the murphy bed into a bed. Once you have these measurements, you can use them to determine what size bed cabinet would best fit your space.
What is the best type of mattress for a murphy bed?
Choosing the mattress for a bed cabinet depends on your intended use. If the murphy bed will be used occasionally as an extra bed, a standard mattress may be sufficient. However, if you plan to use it regularly, it would be better to invest in a better quality mattress to ensure optimal comfort. Memory foam mattresses are generally a good choice for their comfort and durability.
How to maintain and clean a murphy bed?
To maintain a murphy bed, you will need to take care of both the cabinet structure and the mattress. For the mattress, it is recommended to clean it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Regarding the cabinet structure, depending on the material, you can wipe it with a damp cloth or vacuum it to remove dust. Also be sure to check and maintain the conversion mechanism regularly to keep it in good working order.