Legal Notice
Access to the website
Access to the Website is open to any user, natural person, non-professional, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure and subject to maintenance operations of the Website and difficulties linked to the structure communication networks. Use of the Website is completely free. However, the equipment (computer, telephone, software, means of telecommunications, etc.) allowing access to the Website are the exclusive responsibility of the users, as are the costs of connection to the Internet network. The user is responsible for the knowledge necessary for using the Internet and accessing the Website. To access certain services offered on the Website, the user must provide an identifier and a password of at least 6 alphanumeric characters. Their access codes allow them to access a personalized environment. The user is responsible for the use of his access codes which he undertakes not to disclose to third parties. In the event of loss of their access codes and/or fraudulent use of their access codes by a third party, the user undertakes to inform the Publisher without delay. In all cases, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any use by third parties of the elements appearing on the personal spaces of the Website, nor for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information. made available thereon.
Respect for legislation and public order
Any user is prohibited from using the Website and/or its content to disseminate content contrary to public order and good morals and to any legislative or regulatory provision in force.
In particular, any user is prohibited from publishing, in relation to the Website:
any information that contravenes the personality rights of third parties, is of an insulting, defamatory, racist, xenophobic nature, or harms the honor or reputation of others, or incites discrimination or racial hatred, or threatens person or group of people or of a pornographic or pedophilic nature;
- any information of a violent nature, or promoting war crimes, offensive or crude;
- any information that contravenes legislation on intellectual property rights;
- any information of a commercial or advertising nature (unless prior, written and express authorization from the Publisher);
- any information contravening the legislation on the protection of personal data.
Personal data
Certain elements of the Website may require prior registration from the user. If this is the case, personal data will then be requested from the user, in particular their first and last names, postal address and email address.
The user is also informed that, during his visits to the Website, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser software. The cookie is a block of data that does not allow the user to be individually identified; on the other hand, it records information relating to navigation (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) which can be read during subsequent visits. For example, cookies make it possible to simplify access to the Website by avoiding the user having to enter their identification information each time they consult the Website. The use of cookies also allows the Publisher to control traffic and improve the use of its Website. The user acknowledges having been informed of this practice and authorizes the Publisher to use it. The user can, if he wishes, deactivate these cookies by modifying his browser preferences.
In addition, the information collected may be subject to computer processing intended for data management for commercial purposes (customer relations, prospecting, order processing, etc.). This processing is currently the subject of a declaration to the CNIL under simplified standard no. 48 (deliberation no. 2005-112 of June 7, 2005).
In accordance with articles 32 and following of the Data Protection Act (law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified by law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms), each user has a right to access, modify and delete their data. The exercise of these rights is carried out with the Publisher.
The Publisher will endeavor to implement all necessary means to keep the Website accessible to its users. However, it cannot be held responsible in the event that one or more users are unable to connect to the Website due to any technical defect, bug or any other difficulty linked in particular to network congestion. The Publisher's liability cannot therefore be engaged in the event of it being impossible for the user to use the Website, in whole or in part, whatever the cause, in particular during periods during which it is carried out the updating of the information and/or the improvement of the programs necessary for the proper functioning of the Website or the extension of its functionalities. The Publisher also disclaims any liability in the event of interruption or malfunction of the Internet network.
The Publisher also reserves the right to cease operating the Website at any time and without notice.
The transfer rates and response times of information circulating between the Internet network and the Website platform are not guaranteed by the Publisher. Indeed, the speed of circulation of information does not depend on the access service offered by the Publisher, but on the characteristics inherent to online networks relating to the technical means of absorbing the traffic generated.
The Publisher reminds users of the characteristics and limits of the Internet network and declines all responsibility linked to the consequences of users' connection to this network via the Site. More particularly, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial, caused to users, their computer equipment and the data stored there, and the consequences that may result from this on their activity.
Hypertext links to other resources present on the Website or on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of the Publisher nor the contamination of computer equipment or the propagation of a virus or other computer infections. The Publisher assumes no responsibility for the content of these third-party sites or the content to which these third-party sites may refer. In addition, the Publisher cannot be responsible for their content, their products, their advertising or any elements or services presented on these sites. Affiliated or non-affiliated sites are subject to their own general conditions of use and protection of personal data. The Publisher cannot therefore be held responsible for any proven or alleged damage or losses resulting from or in connection with the use or the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available on these sites.
Use of the Website is under the sole responsibility of the user who assumes all risks that may arise.
Intellectual property
The design, form and content of the Website are the exclusive property of the Publisher. All data, texts, information, images, photographs or any other content distributed on the Website are subject to protection under Intellectual Property Law, which may give rise to civil and criminal sanctions. Consequently, the user may under no circumstances reproduce, represent, copy, adapt, alter, modify, download, distribute all or part of the content of the Website nor introduce content that would harm the data contained on the Website. In particular, any total or partial representation of the content of the Website by any means whatsoever, in particular by reproduction of the HTML code, without the prior, written and express authorization of the Publisher is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by law. More precisely, any total or partial reproduction of the brands or logos of the Publisher, or its partners, made from elements of the Website, without the prior, written and express authorization of the Publisher or the owner of the logo or of the mark in question is prohibited by law.
Partners & credits
Our IT partner: ACI Technology
Website Editor
The Convertible House – MISWA GROUP
RCS: B 327 821 526
APE code 514 S
37 avenue de la République 75011 PARIS
TEL: 01 43 57 46 35
Publication director: Réuel MIZRAH