Well-being and furnishing

Well-being and furnishing

In this category, our furniture experts give you their advice to help you choose furniture that will optimize your well-being. Improve the quality of your sleep with this category.
Faire la sieste au travail

Taking a nap at work

Long taboo in the workplace, napping at work is slowly rearing its head in professional circles. Secret, accepted, mocked, encouraged or outsourced, the nap remains a subject that deserves to...

Bien-être et ameublement

Taking a nap at work

Long taboo in the workplace, napping at work is slowly rearing its head in professional circles. Secret, accepted, mocked, encouraged or outsourced, the nap remains a subject that deserves to...

Comment bien dormir si l'on a mal au dos?

How to sleep well if you have back pain?

Stress, poor posture at work, sudden effort, heavy loads, sitting or standing... The causes of back pain are extremely varied and numerous. Nearly 80% of French people complain of back...

Bien-être et ameublement

How to sleep well if you have back pain?

Stress, poor posture at work, sudden effort, heavy loads, sitting or standing... The causes of back pain are extremely varied and numerous. Nearly 80% of French people complain of back...

chambre enfant, chambre pied du lit, diététique sommeil, sommeil étirements, sommeil réparateur, sommeil réveil,

Sleep in question

Some answers to the questions we ask ourselves about sleep, this essential activity which takes up on average a third of our time! What is the ideal length of a...

Bien-être et ameublement

Sleep in question

Some answers to the questions we ask ourselves about sleep, this essential activity which takes up on average a third of our time! What is the ideal length of a...